Character Backgrounds


Religiously and politically motivated killers, assassins often belong to the Kharti or Ismar sects, though other groups are known to have assassins too. They are not only masters of the silent kill, but also of undermining the beliefs of the faithful, sowing discord, and inspiring doubt. An assassin must be resolute in faith, terrifying in action, and masterful in rhetoric. Some assassins have rebelled against their former comrades, and are hunted by those they once served.

Beggar (streetwise scavenger)

Beggars are at the bottom rung of society, yet everyone thinks twice before harming them. It might be the Caliph in disguise after all! Or what if it is the legendary Beggar King? Overall, most beggars fade into the background, eking out a living on scraps and charity. Above all else, the beggar dreams of making it big some time and never having to beg again.

Corsair (sea pirate)

Masters of the sea, corsairs are a mixed lot of privateers and pirates. While some scoundrels follow the strictest code of honor, others are willing to sell anyone into slavery for a bit of coin. A daring combatant and legend on the high seas, the corsair is often a hunted criminal, and just as often a dashing heroine. She can’t be trusted farther than a knife’s throw, but no one knows the ocean like she does.

Dervish (ascetic wanderer who performs miracles & healing)

An initiate in Sufi mysticism, the dervish walks a sacred path called tariqah, experiencing union with their god while one is alive. Sufism is the surrender to their god over and over again, and the embrace of one’s consciousness as gifts and manifestations of their god. Some dervishes retreat from society to practice asceticism, though just as many become political activists. Dervishes give up many worldly belongings, often becoming ascetics, in their quest for gnosis.

Desert Nomad (desert ranger)

Many nomads are Afghanar, but others are Brythtar, Charisian, Hyconian, or Kelbian. You live at the mercy of fate, enduring sand storms, eating a meager handful of dates, and traveling distances that would make a city-person crumble just to reach an oasis spring. In your eyes, the true beauty of life is living beneath the celestial carpet of the Almighty’s stars. Your people may be fully nomadic, working the deep desert caravan routes, or they may practice transhumance, traveling to lowland valleys with their herds during summer and returning to their villages in winter. Your tribal identity is essential to you, as important as your own life if not more so.


Skilled in song, dance, poetry, debate, massage, and the sexual art, you are a consummate companion. You are a cut above the average prostitute, and are often found in the company of courtly figures. Indeed, you may have at one point been a harem slave or worked at a brothel, but you have created a new life for yourself, aspiring to greater power and self-determination. Before you were a slave, now you choose your suitors – Who knows what the future holds?


Often, guards in Al-Greya belong to prestigious military or police groups appointed to guard the palace, the city, as a Eunuch for a harem, or as a Ghulam slave bodyguard to a noble. At the bottom rung are the caravan guards who are often youth who hardly know how to swing a sword. The guard is a loyal professional who will go down fighting if it means his charge stays safe.

Female Slave

You worked as a domestic servant, cleaning the house, shopping at the souk, helping to raise the children of your old household, and you may have been coerced to act as a concubine. You have developed a shrewd eye for detail.

Ghazi (basic fighter)

Literally, the term ghazi means “forgiver”, and that is often the role that a ghazi takes, tempering formidable violence with mercy and absolution. This holy warrior is charged with defending the faith from foreign nations. Ironically, the ghazi is often the first to oppose the militant expansion of corrupt caliphs. She is a thoughtful warrior who chooses battle as a last resort.

Sha’ir (spell caster)

The sha’ir (sha’ira) summons forth minor spirits to do his bidding, often for accumulating personal power, but sometimes for benevolent or even pious reasons. They are often feared figures in various kingdoms, bartering with djinn for mysterious reasons. Many sha’ir praise Sulluk Alshemen as the first of their kind, and consider their art to be of great religious significance.

Djinn-Touched (spell caster)

You are touched by magic. Perhaps you are the grandchild of a beautiful peri who disguised herself in human form to woo a handsome warrior. Perhaps you were under a djinni’s enchantment for many years and have only recently escaped. Or perhaps you entered the wondrous land of Jinnistan and no longer behave or age as other mortals. Whatever the case, your presence is enchanting and perhaps a little fearful.

Male Slave

You constructed bridges and government buildings, worked in salt mines and sugar plantations, did other hard labor, and may have been impressed into military service. You have been near death many times.


While the officers of the Caliphs army might be nobles, the cavalry are slaves from across the world and beyond. The mamluks have their own culture, one in which a person of any social status can rise to great fame, eventually earning freedom. Mamluks belong to specific hierarchies, identifying their leader and allegiance with flags, emblazoned shields, and even tattoos.


You serve in the military of your province, defending the borders of the Caliphate, and conducting raids against enemy outposts, but more often you tend to more mundane tasks. The digging of trenches, transport of military gear, construction of forts, performing drills and parades – these things occupy more of your time than combat. During times of war you are hailed as a boon to the nation, during times of peace scorned as a detested parasite on society.


Straddling the fence of the law, the merchant walks a delicate balance between usurer and pioneer. A skilled merchant can sell water to a man in a fountain, and sand to a man in the desert. Merchants motivate exploration in their search for new markets, and if they spread enlightenment at the same time, so much the better.

Mullah (religious and other academic knowledge)

Learned theologian, teacher, scholar, legal advocate – a mullah is all these things. Holding a respected position in his community as an authority on temporal and divine law, the mullah often becomes involved in the religious clerical hierarchy, and stands to advance to positions of great power.

Lesser Noble

Lesser Al-Greya nobility includes the Sayyid (lord), Sitt (lady), Faris (knight), Mu’allim (master), and Qadi (judge). Such nobles are a mix of those who have inherited their titles and those who have earned their high status. Though they have fewer responsibilities than other nobles, they also are less influential.


Al-Greyan society loves its performers, whether they are poets reciting religious odes outside the mosques, musicians performing at local coffee houses and caravanserais, or tribal dancers exciting crowds around a fire.


You stand at the forefront of Al-Greyan medical knowledge. Studying at one of the prestigious institutions of medicine, you returned to begin your own practice. However, you find your practice is beleaguered with charlatans, parochial clergy preaching the power of faith over science, and entrenched barbers trying to protect their careers. Confident in the powers of reason and science, you have pressed ahead, blind to the magic around the next corner.


Hafa and other cities of the Caliphate are no stranger to the ayyarun – armed gangs of thugs. You are (or were) such a ruffian, operating a protection racket for your neighborhood, protecting them both from corrupt police and rival gangs. Your vows of brotherhood to your fellow rogues are stronger than blood. You drink as you please, draw your knife when the mood strikes you, and go out of your way to make trouble for the authorities.

Sailor (fisherman or trasdesman of the sea)

Each voyage you swear is your last, but the sea calls you back every time. Whether serving in a merchant marine, on a fishing boat, exploring uncharted islands, or seeking to make a fortune in trade, you spend more time at sea than you do at your home port. You’re salty, adventurous, and prone to exaggeration – all the makings of a good captain…or a corsair.


Your so-called “magic powers” are simply the result of your understanding of natural phenomenon and their connection to the human condition. You believe your powers are scientific capabilities that anyone who applies him or herself can learn. Your powers are not fatiguing and cannot be targeted by other powers like Dispel or Ward so long as you use them in a believable way that is consistent with reason and logic. For example, you could use Cure Disease if you had prepared an herbal tea, but not by laying on hands.

Djinn Possessed Elementalist (spellcaster)

Referring to themselves with grand titles – “brother of the north wind” or “lady of the ocean waves” – djinn possessed elementalists are colorful characters, both elitist and shamanic. Though these elementalists favor wind-wracked mountaintops and other desolate areas, they are often found in the desert tribes and cities of Al-Greya serving princes and sheikhs while seeking out mystical knowledge and hidding from Djinn Binders.